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Eliza Desmarais RMT

Eliza Desmarais graduated in the year 2000 from a 2200 hour Massage Therapy Diploma program.  She took further training in Manual Lymphatic Drainage and Osteopathic Myofascial Release.


Over her years in practice, Eliza  has applied her expertise in treatment with the general public as well as athletes from various sports, including Professional Hockey players, Olympic Athletes, Les Artistes de Cirque du Soleil, Alpine Ski Team, IMPACT soccer team, marathon runners, running groups and high profile media figures.


Throughout her career she has been a spokesperson for the Massage Therapy profession, and has campaigned for higher education and the progression of the standards of practice, knowledge and awareness of the field of Massage Therapy.

Additionally, Registered Massage Therapist Eliza Desmarais RMT, has developed musculoskeletal techniques that immediately address the acute and chronic core issues, reducing the required length of overall treatment, allowing  you to return to your functional state faster. Medical massage, relaxation massage and various other types of body work, increase circulation and  lymphatic drainage.

Eliza returned to massage therapy part time  after an extended maternity leave. The past two years have been devoted to the care of her daughter and the launch of her organic skincare line,  Sohma Naturals, which can be found on line at or at various locations across Canada. 

Disclaimer: Statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada.   Products offered and their descriptions as well as treatment modalities are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease. Consult with a physician or health practitioner before starting any protocols.

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