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Schedule an initial 120 minute appointment

in person or by phone 

by calling 902.245.6227 

Appointments & Health Questionnaires

Bottles of Homeopathy Globules

These two complimentary health questionnaires will help us address the physical and energetic components of your current health status.  They are available when you select either one below. 


When you complete and Submit the questionnaires, they are emailed to me. Included with your appointment is a comprehensive discussion, assessment and protocol  for a personalized program toward making and managing changes to your health. Please read the Waiver and Policy document below before submitting.

ALSO, see the description of the Meridian Assessment test available below. 



Please read before submitting these questionnaires


By submitting these questionnaires for assessment, I have agreed to the following:

  • I understand that the practitioners comply with the privacy regulations of their professional associations

  • I have knowingly provided my correct  and known medical information and current condition,  and I understand that it is my responsibility to update the practitioners on any changes to my condition or medications. 

  • I understand that there is no warranty or guarantee regarding  program outcomes. I understand that natural health care is a joint responsibility between me and the practitioner and may involve lifestyle changes.

  • I understand that  the information I receive is provided as education and suggestions, and that the practitioners do not diagnose, treat or prescribe.

  • I understand that I am solely responsible for the consequences of any recommendations I choose to follow. I agree to hold harmless Solas Health for any decisions I make regarding my participation in any programs or consultations. 

  • I understand that this service is not an isolated system and that I may be referred to other practitioners.

  • I understand that the decision to discontinue prescription medications or any prescribed medical treatment is my responsibility. If I forgo standard medical treatment in favor of natural choices, I assume responsibility for any risk that may entail.

  • The submission of the Questionnaires attests to your acceptance of our Waiver and Policy.

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For a BioEnergetic Meridian assessment, we use acupuncture points located on the hands and feet.  These points are found on Traditional Chinese meridians, as well as Dr. Reinhold Voll’s meridian points. These points  correspond to organs, glands and systems in the body.

We may identify energetic imbalances in these meridians and when we do, we can suggest dietary changes and identify supplements that restore balance, regulation or homeostasis. In this way, we develop a customized protocol for you, that incorporates nutritional protocols, supplementation with vitamins and minerals, and herbal and homeopathic formulas.

At the same time, we have the ability to energetically evaluate the relationship to bacteria, parasites, and yeast as well as heavy metals and other factors of toxicity that may be contributing to your overall imbalance.

We  may incorporate a food and environmental sensitivity protocol/test and here we can evaluate your relationship to hundreds of foods and items like grasses,  in order to measure your energetic reaction to them.  This assessment may be part of your customized nutritional program.

Disclaimer: Statements have not been evaluated by Health Canada.   Products offered and their descriptions as well as treatment modalities are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent disease. Consult with a physician or health practitioner before starting any protocols.

Copyright 2014 |  2021  | 2022  | 2023 | 2024 | 2025  Solas Integrated Health Inc. ǂ  Digby NS  B0V 1A0 ǂ designed by Flightwinds East Publishing

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