Solas Integrated Health Inc.2002
Consulting in Health & Wellness by appointment
Organic Skin Care Manufacturing
Nutrition Therapy
Nutrition Therapy may include...
Recommending food selection and preparation
A program for weight normalization
Evaluation of nutrient deficiencies or excesses
Food supplement recommendation
Education about the benefits of a sound nutritional program to encourage regulation, regeneration and healing
Designing a personalized program, specific to your individual biochemistry and the factors affecting your health
Our Health Enthusiast Testimonials....
Just wanted to touch base again and let you know my daughter went for another couple day sleep over at her grandparents and came back again without getting sick! So the first time wasn’t just a fluke haha (not that I thought it was lol). Just so happy she seems to be so much healthier now! Thank you so much again for your help and expertise" S.M. Digby July 2020
"Hi, Nella
Some good news! Had my cholesterol checked at the Pharmasave this am and it has gone from 7.4 to 5.2. HDL is 2.3 and LDL is 2.8. Ratio is 1.2. That is amazing! I took 2 Sterol 117 each day and I took bitters every day until the bottle was empty"....GB Yarmouth